Raphael Block Video

October 19th, 2016 by admin

Dear friends, Thank you for all your comments on the 5 minute documentary that serves  as my book trailer, too. It seems to have touched many of you! We would really appreciate your help to get this film into the world. So, please consider posting this link https://vimeo.com/184929769 on your FaceBook Page.

The documentary came into being thanks to Megan McFeely, who produced it and did the interviews. She has made her own compelling 40 minute documentary, As She Is, “ to reclaim, value, and live the feminine aspect of ourselves.” You will find more info on her site.              With love, Raphael


Each square inch

a harmony

of the dying

the dead

the living and the being born

Strings of Shining Silence: Earth-Love Poems


Posted in: Uncategorized, Poets Comment into the World