January 16th, 2016 by admin

We have lost a rare and beautiful person.  To Francisco, my friend, my love to you on your new journey.  It has been my privilege and my joy to have gotten to know you and to work with you.  Thanks to James Downs for introducing us and thanks to Devon, my son, and Kiirsti, my daughter, for the good work we did on your book project.  And thanks to Javier, blessings to you.

Francisco is one of those special people, special poets, who in his life and in his poetry he showed us the best a person can be.  In his poetry you see the man and in the man you see his poetry, they are the same.  As James said to me tonight, "he is now the Borderless Butterfly flying over us all."

Loco                                                            Crazy
mis puertas                                            I leave las dejo                                                      my doors sin cerrar                                                 unlocked
los extraños                                           strangers me parecen                                            look to me tan familiares                                      so familiar
a todos                                                      I would los abrazaría                                         embrace and y besaría                                                  kiss them all
cada día                                                    every day en la calle                                                on the street hallo a Dios                                            I run into God
en vez                                                        instead de llorar                                                  of crying ahora me río                                        now I laugh
quiero poner                                       I want to el mundo                                               turn the world al revés                                                    upside down
nada                                                          nothing me convence –                                  sways me – debo de estar loco                            I must be crazy
3 de agosto de 2009                        August 3, 2009

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