TWIXT 5 poems
January 6th, 2016 by admin
Water Tactics Drops’ jots and tittles form icicles that lock up in temperature drops and yet drip in more warm phenom clear and present placebo venom. Is Defines Is This beautiful panorama of is somehow has arrived at being what’s there, and not whatever else might have, had it. Reply I can sympathize with what you have e- mailed me, having to break off with someone for whom you weren’t exclusive who was for you just what you wanted hurts like hell and leaves you cold and broken – that took strength of purpose. You wouldn’t drop your standard. You held to what you know is real so good for you, good for the too of you. Brake-Fast Serial The roads are full of white noise from tires on snow, the sidewalks are full of the white lies of flakes. fertile bush each berry a yolk in a raindrop egg “TWIXT is the mononym-onym of Peter Specker; he has had poetry published in Margie, The Indiana Review, Amelia, California State Quarterly, RE:AL, Pegasus, First Class, Pot-pourri, Art Times, The Iconoclast, Epicenter, Subtropics, Quest, Confrontation, Writers’ Journal, Rattle, Prairie Schooner and others. He lives in Ithaca, New York.”Posted in: Uncategorized, Forever Journal