Out of the Underworld
by Patricia Nelson
Published by Poetic Matrix Press
88 pages, price $17.00
ISBN: 978-1-7337025-4-6
The Book
For all her precision and her perfect ear, the paradox of Patricia Nelson’s poems is in not knowing exactly what they’re about—except that, somehow, you also do know. You feel what you know about them in a space beyond language, or perhaps just beneath - exactly, pleasurably, and perfectly.- Meg Scott Copses, Editor, Illuminations.
With the poems of Out of the Underworld, Patricia Nelson transports her readers through many realms, from the myths of ancient Greece to tales told by the Tarot. Nelson deftly employs lyric language and assumes personas that immerse us in the “weighted land of words.” Invoking disparate voices, ranging from Dante to e e cummings, Nelson is our steady guide out of the underworld. - Jodi Hottel, author of Voyeur
Author Bio
Patricia Nelson is a retired attorney and environmentalist. She has worked with the “Activist” group of poets in California for many years. The group rose to prominence in the 1940s and 50s and is now undergoing a resurgence of publication by a different generation of poets. The Activist credo is that every word in a poem should be poetically “active,” employing some kind of focused poetic technique - a principle not as self-evident as it might sound. The group often works with metaphoric imagery.
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